Friday, October 30, 2009

Cricket is Funny Game ...

Cricket Cricket Cricket ... What do you think? What is cricket all about? Is it Batting, Bowling or Fielding? I think it’s about skills plus applying strategy and planning as well. You should know when to use which player and do lot of calculation and organize right from Team selection to Umpiring assignment

”Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.”

In FLT 10 over’s match, each and every ball bowled, each and every run scored are important. Forget about ball or run each and every decision counts. Last two weeks we saw lot of matches going to last ball of the match. After two weeks fight we have top 26 battling for FLT cup.

I had always heard Cricket is funny game and game is not over till the last ball is bowled. I witness the same during last week matches. Here is my experience.

I11 vs Titans
Two new teams, for me each and every player on both sides were Know friends, so no way I was going to be on losing side. I hope they learnt lot of things from the match. Extras and crucial moment over throws were turning point of the game. I11 chased massive score of 56 in style with massive six with just 4 balls to spare.
Experience of playing in TCA helped players like Ameya and Manoj to seal a first debut win for i11. While Blaster innings by Geen was worth watching

Chennai Veerans vs Panthers
Chennai veerans were in form team and looking really confident from the first ball itself. At the end of their batting innings few bad decision from umpire turned the tables on favor of Panthers. Chennai Veerans did not give up and fought till end to get decent score of 44. Panthers started strongly with Ajay Pal Singh and Sreenu holding on the fort, Chennai Veerans did not give up and fought like injured Tigers. Quick wickets by Vidi and some good catching brought Veerans back into the game. Game was not yet over, Knock from Hari brought Panters back in the game, last 12 balls 6 runs needed. Never give up attitude and good bowling helped Veerans to hold on to their nerve. It was Vidi and Kirti who made this impossible job possible to restrict Panters to 43 and book their spot in top 6.
At the end never give up spirit and some good captaincy by Ohm sealed a win and controlled the heat of the game between the players and against the umpires ;)
I would request all the people who are doing umpiring to be really alert on the field as any single decision here or there can change the result of the game.

“Team guts always beat individual greatness.”

Bonus point
In the email thread lot of people talked and expressed views about bonus point thing, I would not comment anything as of now on it. Everything has advantages and disadvantages; its how you use them and get used to these rules is the question to be asked to yourself? Will not get into bonus point system now, may be can talk about it in some other blog

Point to note is, if we did not had Bonus point into the picture and points were allocated on WINS and then DRR basis, then there would have been only change in top 26 Wolves replacing Chargers, yes ranking would have been changed bit up or down.
So, whatever may be the point system, we should focus on Wins and know how to use the point system.

“Commitment to the team - there is no such thing as in-between; you are either in our out.”

Hard luck Wolves
Do you know, how close were Wolves and i11 for spot 26. The DRR difference was 0.009. Imagine and seeing the scorecards I just found i11 lost the match in 9.4 over’s against Cheer cc. If they had allowed Cheers cc to score in 9.3 they were out of tournament and if, 9.5 they would have won 4 bonus points and reach at 23rd spot which would have given some hope to them as they would have not played their next match against Acers . Who cares, in cricket anything and everything possible, i11 are really looking positively to play against the Acers and create a history and another upset in the tournament.
Similar things goes for Wolves, if they hold on to their fort for couple more balls against Yuval XI they would have been in the race. Hard luck guys. This calculation was not in anyone’s hand.

“Anyone can support a team that is winning - it takes no courage. But to stand behind a team to defend a team when it is down and really needs you, that takes a lot of courage.”

Using the Bonus points
Another close DRR result was observed between Acers and Champs XI, if Acers would have scored their last chase against Mavericks in 5.3 over’s instead of 5.4 over’s they would have been gaining 4 bonus points and DRR advantage as well over Champs and make it to 6th spot with BYE game. I don’t think they will mind that provided they are getting extra game in FLT, who wont like that

Champion cc vs Sharks
First name comes to your mind is Jimmy Raja when you see Champion cc team. After our match lot of people just waited to see his batting. They were not disappointed. I was umpiring the match and told to one of my friend in Sharks, “ Believe me get hold on to this Guy catch in deep square leg, half of the game is won, if not then wait for the at least 3 more sixes.” Your wish is my command, Jimmy played on to deep square leg and catch was dropped by Satish right on the edge of the boundary. From there Jimmy went on to score 30 runs including 3 sixes and 4 Doubles out of the park both in off and leg side. Yes catches win matches was quite proved. Champion cc made 65 runs. They started bowling very aggressively picking up few quick wickets, but later on they knew game was over and fielded and bowled loosely and waited for 10 over’s to get over. As per me they had good chance to grab 20 points but lost the opportunity to be in top 6 and get the BYE game. Great bowling by Bhargav and Pallav helped them to restrict Sharks on 44 to get 2 bonus points otherwise they would have slipped down to 13 spot.

I will repeat
“ Looser never Win, Winner never loose.”

Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday FLT Fever ...

What a way to start with FLT 2009. Last week people were talking about what is the format, what are the new rules, new teams trying to get used to the off field logistics. Rains and Festivals clashing the dates. What not ? came on the way before starting the FLT.

Who cares, Cricket passion and spirit always had overcome the hurdles and you will see people on the ground or in front of TV whenever there is match schedule for India or IPL in India. I taught we wont see something similar to this on last weekend. But guess what, there was so many people on the ground to see the matches. Thanks to all supporters for coming and cheering up their teams and enjoying FLT.

In just 10 overs, 90 mins, game changes so fast, there is hardly time to think about anything here or there. Before we could rethink what went wrong the game is already over.

For some teams it was just piece of cake, they did not even give opponents to come back. They made it so easy that matches were over well before alloted time.

1. Chumma TP vs Champs FLT XI

2. Spartans vs Weekenders

3. Gold flake king vs Chargers

While for some teams game were so close they hardly knew what the time was, but were counting each and every runs and balls.

The brief scores are evident of such a scenarios, where lot of the games went till last over and result was not sure till the last ball was ball.

1. Mavericks vs Rising XI

2. Rangers vs SE11

3. Titans XI vs Sat cc

Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory

For few teams, it was come back game and take some revenge against the teams who had defeated them in previous leagues :)

1. Warriors vs Chennai 94086

2. Acers vs Packers

I doubt if anyone will forget these matches in history of TCA for their achievements.

1. MCC vs Willow XI , Where MCC scoring 103 runs.

Man ! what did you guys had in your snacks. It must be real Diwali Dhamaka.

2. Royal XI vs Yorkers, Vivek taking 5 ball 5 wickets, out of which 3 were clean bowled.

Heads off to you. You guys really deserve Hall of Fame award.

(Still waiting to see the detail scorecard)

More teams, more fun more excitement and more competition. Last week few know well established teams which just fall short of their grounds or may be you can upsets for the week.

1. Challengers vs Catalysters

2. Twenty20 vs Centurions

Never say die

In all up-till now in 23 Matches,

279 wickets taken

2088 runs scored

With 34 4s and 16s :) New rules are working

Over all Run rate of 4.87 per over.

These numbers are from the uploaded scorecards.


Century making team MCC leading teams point table just ahead of this year one of the strongest team Bhola XI.

The stylist batsman Hardik back in form leading Batsman column, good news for Bhola XI and Mohit Lad deadly yorkers leading the Bowling line up, to grab another title for the year for Champs XI .

After Round 1, 26 top teams qualify for the Play off while top 6 of 26 get the BYE.

With the results of last week, there is no way one can tell which all teams can be in top 26 or 6 places. Doors are still open for one and all.

At least race is not going to be one sided, as there could not be 26 teams wining both of their matches. As couple of winners of last weekend will be battling with each other this weekend. Let see who hold on their forts.

Twenty20 cc vs Pacers

Strikers vs Star cc

MCC vs Spartans

Wolves vs Yuva 11

Acers vs Mavericks

Each and every team will like to come back strong and register their spots in the race. Point to note here is, if at all you loose, loose to win Max bonus points which will put you ahead in the race against other opponents with same number of wins.

Loosing team like Titan XI, Catalysters and Rising XI has great chance to be in top 26 if they win coming weekend as they have already gained 4 points in the last match.

In short, its WIN-WIN weekend for all the teams.

Winners will definitely like to WIN and try to be in top 6 spot,

If at all they loose they will try to grab max bonus points.

Losers have no choice but to WIN this game and bonus points and DRR will play important role in getting them to comfortable driving seat.

“The Law of Win/Win says, ”Let’s not do it your way or my way; let’s do it the best way”

My Bets for top 6 spots : (not in order)

Bhola XI

Champs XI




Champion cc

Keep Smiling Always


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday Thunder ... Two days to go for FLT 2009

Just cannot wait till Friday ... FLT on its way, already lot of drama and action off the field have started, lets get your swords sharpen for upcoming battle.

Open 2009 was really competitive and exciting till the end.
Congrats to Chennai 94086 and 99ers for winning Championship title in Open 2009.
Road to finals by Sridharan Rajamani
Pics from finals by Chirag Patel

FLT 2009 just 2 days away here are some of the information which one would like to know ...
We have 52 teams who will be battling with each other.
On behalf of TCA, I WELCOME all new teams to TCA community and Thanks old teams for their support.

For details : Grouping and Schedule
Document -> 2009 -> FLT 2009

Quick start guide -> home page

New rules implemented
Power play, Free Hit and Shorter boundary.

Ground details

Let me take you back to FLT 2008

Number of teams = 40
Winners : Warriors
Runner up : Yorkers

Most runs scored by team : Warriors 241 in 5 matches
Avg runs scored in innings by top 8 teams = 43 to 45 runs

Top Batsmans :
Vijay (Warriors) 66 in 5 Matches
Ajay Pal (Panthers) 40 in 4 Matches
Hardik (Bhola XI) 37 in 3 Matches

Roughly around 30 4s and 4 6s

Top Scorer :
Rohan (Catalysters) 30*

Top Bowlers :
Raj (Warriors) : 10 Overs 28 Runs 10 Wickets 5 Matches
Ravi S (Warriors) : 6 Overs 22 Runs 7 Wickets 3 Matches
Nihir (Bhola XI) : 6 Overs 15 Runs 6 Wickets 3 Matches

Best figures :
Santosh (Panthers) vs Thunderbolts : 2 Overs 4 Runs 4 Wickets

Highest team total
Warriors vs Scorpions : 64/8
Warriors vs Yorkers : 63/5
Bhola XI vs Baslog : 61/3

Lowest team total
Xterminators vs Catalyster : 18/10
Thunderbolt vs Panthers : 22/10
Scorpions vs Warriors : 29/10

FLT 2009 with Free hit, Power Play and Shorter boundary its going to be fun. Not to forget every team is getting at least two games.
Thanks to TCA Management, Logistics and Games committee to make this possible.
FLT has always been fun playing and watching too. So get your friends and family for the matches and finals.
People who are stil interested in getting Sponsorship get in touch with Marketing team.

Who says Cricket is dieing, I will say just come to California and see how people are passionate about Cricket.
It has become part of our daily routine.

Happy Diwali and New Year to you and your family.

Keep Smiling Always

Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday Finals - Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar

No talks Just stats ... Lets Bat and Bowl do the talking this weekend.


Royal cup finals 99ers vs Thunderbolts @ Ortega Park

Ahmne Samne

Head to Head

Never played with each other

Both teams have not played on this ground as well.


Ortega Park (636 Harrow Way, Sunnyvale, CA)

Pitch report :

Centre pitch with Mat, 360*, Runs all around, True bounce, Outfield lush green, Morning due ball may not travel, Bowlers may find difficult for run up.


Thanks to MCC (Vivek,Sentil,Harshal) and Bhola XI mgmt

Toss :

Toss win field first. Both team prefers that see the stats below.

100+ runs min to win the game.

I would say toss win Match win :D

Other Matches.

Strikers vs Cheenai SF Elite cup

Shuhana Safar

Journey so far by these teams : wins and loss

Note : Both teams are good in chasing, whenever they chase either they win or close to win.


Play off

vs Sharks(60/10) chasing 64/5 - Won MoM - Manish for 21(32) & 3 wkts

vs Chargers(69/9) chasing 73/6 - Won MoM - Sarang for 25(32)

Round 2

Royal Rank 2

vs Chargers(47/10) chasing 48/5 - Won MoM - Harshal 13(24) & 3 wkts

vs Chak de(61/10) chasing 62/5 - Won MoM - Sarang 19(28)

vs BYE :)

Round 1

Overall Rank 19

vs Sat cc(84/9) chased 87/4 - Won MoM - Srikant 22(43)

vs Yorkers(35/2) Bat first 34/10 - Lost

vs Acers(116/9) chasing 28/10 - Lost

vs Champion cc(108/8) chasing 99/10 - Lost

vs Sloggers(116/6) chased 117/2 - Won MoM - Sankalp 51(47)

vs BABA(57/10) Bat first 112/10 - Won MoM - Salil 38(21) & 3 wkts

The Finals are about a test of wills.


Play off

vs Discers(70/10) chased 71/6 - Won MoM - Kalpesh 13(21) & 4 wkts

vs Sloggers(82/10) chased 83/4 - Won MoM - Sidharth 30(41)

Round 2

Royal Rank 8

vs Discers(85/8) chased 87/9 - Won MoM - Viju 14(9) & 1 wkt

vs Lethal cc(72/8) chased 73/4 - Won MoM - Vishy 29(49)

vs Chumma TP(138/4) Bat first 137/7 - Lost

Round 1

Overall Rank 25

vs Star cc(61/8) Bat first 60/10 - Lost

vs Nexus(80/10) chasing 74/4 - Lost

vs Kasturi Pade(93/6) Bat first 92/10 - Lost

vs Panthers(94/10) chased 96/2 - Won MoM - Kiran 28(24) & 4 wkts

vs Catalysters(136/6) chasing 98/10 - Lost

vs Spanglers(86/6) chasing 80/6 - Lost

The Jawans

Thunderbolts - Batting attack

Play off M R 4s 6s

Sidharth Mishra 2 56 9 -

Dhandapani 2 23 4 -

Round 2

Arun 3 38 5 -

Round 1

Hari Krishna 5 103 6 -

Vishy 6 88 1 -

Kiran 6 80 3 1

Thunderbolts - Bowling attack

Play off M O R W

Kalpesh 1 2.4 6 4

Viju 2 8 42 3

Round 2

Sriram 2 8 31 4

Kiran 2 9 47 4

Round 1

Sagar 6 23 110 10

Our goal is to win a championship. That’s the only goal

99ers - Batting attack

Play off M R 4s 6s

Sarang 1 25 1 -

Manish 2 21 2 -

Round 2

Harshal 2 29 3 -

Round 1

Sankalp 5 87 6 -

Harshal 5 64 4 -

Tejas 4 60 1 -

99ers - Bowling attack

Play off M O R W

Manish 2 8 24 5

Abhijeet 2 7 14 3

Round 2

Tejas 2 4 12 4

Manish 2 7 24 4

Round 1

Rushil 6 22 113 8

Over all in 2009

In Top 25 Bolwing

3rd - Manish 32 wkts 99ers

15th - Rushil 25 wkts 99ers

19th - Sagar 25 wkts Thunderbolts

In Top 25 Batting

5th - Sidharth 285 runs Thunderbolts

13th - Sankalp 233 runs 99ers

Everybody on a championship team doesn't get publicity, but everyone can say he's a champion


Key Players

99ers - Sankalp, Rushil, Tejas, Manish

Thunderbolt - Vishy, Kiran, Sagar, Sidharth

Secret weapons

99ers - Salil if he plays the match

Thunderbolts - Kalpesh or Hari


Finals details

"Where do you begin? Perfect is a good place to start. We must always focus on improving things that are already perfect."

Wining Mantra : Focus on your strength and get the Basics right ;) someone will be happy after reading this.

My Bets

:( lost lot of money ... filing Bankruptcy.

Its your turn today ... what are you waiting for just put some Bets in comment section and let see who wins on the blog :)

Also, kindly put comments like tips to play these teams, their strength and weakness of team and players how to get them out, which will help these teams to make strategy against each other.

FLT 2009 is on its way ... Just 8 days to go

Monday, October 5, 2009

Tuesday Team Talent ... FLT 11 days to go

Champion trophy has come to an end with Ausies wining the mini world cup title have proved to the world, they are still one of the top team in world cricket as far as 50 over game is concern. Time changes, things changes and so is people choice changes. Now a days there is craze of T20 format. Cricket has been non stop played in all around the world since long time. T20 has added its own flavor to it. The craze for cricket has been transformed from Test to One day and now to T20. Where game has become so fast and attacking. Tournaments like IPL and ICL has created all together different atmosphere. Who cares people are happy to see some big shots and game getting over in couple of hours.

Just after Champions trophy Champions league T20 its on it way. So do we have FLT just after Open 2009 finals.

TCA proudly announces third FLT 2009 (Flood Light Tournament). Yes, It will be played under the flood lights grounds reserved by TCA. This form of cricket believe me is worth experiencing and watching. It has its own fun and excitement altogether. I can not just wait to start for FLT to start.

Just like trees and plants importance increases by new flowers and fruits. Tournament or organization can not grow without new comers or new teams. Who does not want change. US too got changed with help of Obama. New things add flavor and produces more challenge and unexpected outcomes. So get ready for upset and tough competition in coming FLT. Here I proudly introduce Cheenai Veerans, one of my favorites in Open 2009, who have already made their mark by defeating big teams and playing some real good cricket.

Lets here form them about their experience so far.

Q1. How was your experience ?

A: So far so good. We are really having a nice experience and learning lot of things after we start playing in TCA tournaments

Q2. Why name Cheenai Veerans ?

A: Most of our team members are based on Chennai and Veerans stands for warriors who fights to win the battle we fight to win the match.

Q3. Avg Age in the team, youngest and oldest member age ?

A: Average age in our team is 27 youngest is 25 and oldest is 29

Q4. Have you all participated in any other tournament before joining TCA ?

A: Most of our team members has played in Cricbay before joining TCA

Q5. If Yes, what is the difference before between that tournament and TCA ?

A: TCA has high quality and competitive cricket compared to other tournaments

Q6. What made you join TCA over other tournaments ?

A: They said TCA is where the best teams were.. So we jumped in..

Q7. How do you feel quality of cricket in TCA ?

A: Quality of circket and the standards are too good in TCA

Q8. Which teams did you play so far and how do you feel playing with some old TCA teams ?

A: We played for Centurions, Yorkers we feel very excited and thrilled when playing against our old teams

Q9. Which game was so far the Best and worst in TCA so far you guys ?

A: The Best game is against warriors and wost is against SE11

Q10. Which team you like to follow in TCA, if at all you have to choose one ?

A: All most all teams play their own way of cricket we trying to learn the good things from each team

Q11. Do you guys practice during weekday, where and when ?

A: We practice every friday evening in the school ground near to our apartment

Q12. What makes your team very unique ?

A: We all work for same company and same client :)

Q13. What is your strategy when playing any TCA match ?

A: Our strategy is to give 100% on fielding and batting we change our plans based on our opponents and their past records

Q14. What are your strength and area where you guys want to improve ?

A: We always play as a team and wants to improve the same

Q15. If a new player wants to join your team, what qualities do you look in him/them ?

A: 100% dedication on the field

Q16. Best part of TCA ?

A: when there are some controversial decision happened during the umpiring if we call any TCA officials they are always available to help us

Q17. What you do not like in TCA or things which can be improved ?

A: Long Boundaries :)

Q18. Any specific team against which you like to play ? Why ?

A: We like to play against all teams

Q19. Any views on FLT ?

A: Its a cool concept... we just hope to be the brightest team out there!

Ohm is leading this 16 squad Veerans team, who has already defeated big teams like Cheenai 94086, Warriors and Discers. In very short time in TCA, they have learnt lot and played some real hard cricket. Scoring one of the highest total of 174 in open 2009 their confidence is high in batting with Lokesh and Om approaching 200 mark in just 12 matches. While trio of Saravanan A,C and S has garbed 31 wickets between them. Still I would say they have one of the best bowling attack but with Captain Om and Vice Captian Lokesh leading the way everything and anything is possible. They are no doubt young team, very sharp in fielding and running between the wickets.

Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory

Can they create more upsets and reach new milestones ?

can Lokesh grab another Best category awards like Best Batsman and All rounder like in Open 2009 ?

Can you stop them ?

Join them in FLT 2009 along with 50 other teams ... Just 2 days left for last date of registration.

Count down has begun ... 12 days to go for 1st FLT 2009 Match.

Keep Smiling Always


Friday, October 2, 2009

Friday Full Toss ...

Champions trophy reaching to its final countdown. With Australia reaching comfortably to finals after crushing England in style. Let see if Pakistan can make it to finals and get the cup in Asia. Seeing Ausies and Black cat also wont be bad idea at all. Who cares at the end of the day people wants entertainment and some good 50 over cricket.

Last week we have seen some real good cricket, all around performance from all teams. Some were better while some are Best. We will know who is The Best in Open 2009 in coming up Weekends.

Champions know that success is inevitable; that there is no such thing as failure, only feedback. They know that the best way to forecast the future is to create it

Last week due to unavoidable circumstances Match between Strikers and Spanglers could not be completed. We don't have clear idea who is going to play against Cheenai 94086 in Semis. Thanks to all three teams to help logistics committee to sort out the schedule.

While on other hand we have 100% match confirmed between Rangers and Bhola XI. So why not talk about them and what they think about this Open 2009, TCA and each other.

This blog belong to teams who are playing Semis. So let them do some talking :) here.

Semi Final 1 Rangers vs Bhola XI @ Booster Park on Sat 3rd Oct 08:30 am.


A team with full of passion and skills. Lets just listen to them what they have to say about their experience so far. Here are the answers right from Rangers doug out.

We would like to thank and congratulate the TCA organization committee for the fabulous job of planning, organizing and coordinating this tournament with tremendous amount of zeal, effort and enthusiasm. Being in our first season, we cannot make a comparison with the tournaments of the past, but it sure has been full of fun and excitement along with great aggression and competitive spirit shown by all teams.

Q1. How long you guys have been playing for TCA ?

A: This is our first season in TCA.

Q2. How many times did you make it to finals ?

A: None in TCA (My Bad wrong question)

Q3. Which was the toughest match in Open 2009 so far ?

A: Our first game against Strikers where we lost

Q4. What is strategy for upcoming match ?

A: We try to not make any strategy, and mold our game according to situation

Q5. Avg age in team and no.of matches played by team members with youngest and oldest member and max and min no.of matches played ?


Avg age = around 27-28.

Youngest player =23

Oldest= Have no

Max no of matches: 150+

Min no of matches: 25

Q6. What do you think, reason behind your success this season and area of improvement ?

A: No fear for loss. All departments need improvement

Q7. Have you played and know your opponents if yes kindly specify something about them ?

A: BholaXI is a good and experienced team, we enjoy playing them.

Q8. Any message for upcoming opponents ?

A: Let's have fun.

Q9. Percentage of reaching to final as per you ?

A: We are 100% confident, if we click we`ll win

Q10. Any suggestions for TCA and what did you like or want things to improve in TCA ?

A: Umpiring assignments are frustrating since they are every week,

Would love to see a change in the umpiring schedule`s from next season

11. Comments on FLT 09 ?

Would be fun

Bhola XI

Guys does anyone wants introduction for this experienced and talented team. Let see what they have to say from their experience.

Q1. How long you guys have been playing for TCA ?

A: Playing since 1999.

Q2. How many times did you make it to OPEN finals ?

A: Once. In 2001. Lost to Acers

Q3. Which was the toughest match in Open 2009 so far ?

A: Game against Beamers in Round 1.

Q4. What is strategy for upcoming match ?

A: It's a secret. :)

Q5. Avg age in team and no.of matches played by team members with youngest and oldest member and max and min no.of matches played ?

A: Avg. age of team is 29 years. Most no. of matches played by Bhola XI member since 2006 is Chirag Patel (that would be me). Youngest member of the team has played 58 games since 2006 whereas the oldest member of the team has played 49 games since 2006. And no i am not the oldest in the team yet. :)

Q6. What do you think, reason behind your success this season and area of improvement ?

A: Our bowling has improved a lot since last year. We are not depending on 1 or 2 bowlers. Everybody has chipped in nicely in every game.

Q7. Have you played and know your opponents if yes kindly specify something about them ?

A: We played against Rangers in Round 1. The game was very close than the final score might suggest. Rangers are very young team. What they might lack in experience they cover it with their passion, excitement, enthusiasm and individual talent.

Q8. Any message for upcoming opponents ?

A: Expect the unexpected.

Q9. Percentage of reaching to final as per you ?

A: 50-50

Q10. Any suggestions for TCA and what did you like or want things to improve in TCA ?

A: Umpiring standards have gone down with every passing year. Teams are also ignoring lot of rules and their implementation.

Q11. Comments on FLT 09 ?

A: Just focusing on Open 2009 right now. But can't wait for FLT 2009 to start is FUN, MORE FUN, and LOTSA MORE FUN.

11. Any comments or anything in general you want to speak out :)

Ganapati Bappa Moriya

Other important and interesting matches this weekend and my Bets :

Someone wants me to stick to my Bets

Rangers vs Bhola XI : 8:16 - My Bet on Rangers :)

Strikers vs Spanglers : 16:8 - My Bet on Spanglers

Cheenai 94086 vs Winner of above : 16:? - My Bet on Spanglers :)

99ers vs Chargers : 16:8 - My Bet on 99ers

Discers vs Thunderbolts : 16:8 - My Bet on Thunderbolts

Feedback is the breakfast of champions.

Your feedback is important, please do write me if you do not like anything or area of improvisation except Spell check and Grammar ;). There is nothing personal here.

FLT 2009

If you have still not register kindly register and join the fun and excitement.

Slots filling up fast.

Keep Smiling Always


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