Thursday, November 12, 2009

Cricket Dil Se ...

Two years before I landed in US and year and half before in California. I thought I would be missing all the actions, sports, family, relatives, festivals and what not. When I reached here I knew hardly anyone. Various taught used to come to my mind what the hell, I have decided to come here leaving everything behind. No regrets, I can proudly say I have whole group of people who know me and with whom I can share and enjoy every part of my life. I have found a family to play with and share with.

With no activity, for person like me, to spend time on weekend was next to impossible. I was lucky to join few office colleagues and reached on the ground on 1st weekend itself. I still remember I had hardly anything unpacked and other worries like searching car and house etc. but joy of playing cricket helped me forget all my worries and gave me hope of joy. Still enjoy every moment of my life.

Cricket in Bay area, has not only become part of my life but it has become routine or essential thing without which I wonder how could I have survived in this foreign land. I have been playing cricket from my first week till today every weekend both days and whenever and wherever I got the opportunity to play. You wont believe I get up early during weekends as compare weekdays. People say weekends are for relaxing but it's vice versa for me, I think it will be, most of us.

Cricket here has given me lot of new learning’s like discipline, practice, joy, co ordination, blogging (ay still learning and working on typo and grammar), but I consider most valuable thing I have earned is support and friendship of you all. It has become part of my life or family in itself. I think playing week by week we all see each other or meet each other more than our close relatives or friends. I have not meet couple of my college friends so often as I have meet people with whom I have played matches with or against them. I hope many will agree on this as well.

No doubt Cricket in our leagues are getting more competitive and passionate. People are playing cricket from so many years in these leagues, that I am amazed to see their dedication and consistency. More you play more gain experience and more zeal to do better. No one likes loosing, some people may say they are just playing for fun, but they too know from within they are not playing to loose.

Cricket has always been game of passion whether may be its match between India and Pakisthan or Australia or Kenya. Bigger the team more is fun to see and enjoy and talk about it. No wonders, cricket stadium in Inida are hardly empty whenever India play on home soil. We always talk about cricket, what Dhoni could have done, IPL is rocking, Yuvraj is flirting ;), what not. This passion and zeal has always kept Indian sponsors to put lot of money in Cricket.

Every weekend with passion and enthusiasm everyone is playing cricket from so many years. We almost know everything before the game like who our opponents are, who is skillful player, what are his stats, we have our own plans to win the match.

Any game you play involves tough head to head competition. We must have witnessed so many matches or played with so many people weekend by weekend, that it has become our routine. Every match we play is almost like friendly getogether or may be a small family meet you can say. Tell which family or friends do not fight. I think everyone does. :) In a friendly way.

Sometimes our passion and urge to win takes over our mind and we get carried away from the man focus that's cricket and joy and start playing with aggression and revenge or to prove some pointless point. Things happen intentionally or unintentionally and we know something is wrong. There could be lot of reasons behind our such behavior may be due to bad day at work or home, over cut due to late start, bad decision by umpire, sledding, there culled be n number of reasons to trigger you. When you look back once the incident is over, we think and may be feel regret of it. With one click of button on nuclear weapon this world could be destroyed but controlling the finger to click the button is in our own hands.

My particular blog is not intended to any particular person or incident. But I really feel, we are loosing our main focus i.e. playing Cricket with fun and joy and most important our valuable weekend time. More than anything we are loosing friendship, spirit, time of other and family bonding between ourselves, which we have achieved in so many years. Don't you think so?

At the end of day or may be couple of years form now, I know one thing, I am not just going to see and look at the stats like how many runs I have scored or how many wickets I have taken, I going to remember with whom I have played and how many friends I have made. These are memories for life.

Lets our passion and spirit rule over aggression and anger on the field.

Everyone makes mistake, I too must have triggered opponents in past with exchange of words or sledging. Lets everyone take a pledge that we will be " I will be Good Boy and Play in right spirit of the game". I do.

"The family that plays together stays together"

I know people still have their view to be expressed and are unhappy with present rules and punishments, but tell me one thing, when we define rules we expect those rules will be broken, then why to think negative and let respect each other presence and let committee do their job which they have been doing well from so many years, let them take care of rules and what is right and wrong. Just by complaining and analyzing we are not solving the problem, we are adding the problem.

Anything can happen anytime, but if we have control on ourselves nothing can happen at anytime.

Chalo yar it time to sleep … Rath gay bath gayi… We are not small kids :) anymore. Lets some bat and ball do the talking in right spirit on coming weekend. … Move on and Lets move the world.

Keep Smiling Always


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