Friday, November 13, 2009

Race is not yet over ...

As per my information every team has 5 matches to be played in Round 1, correct me if I am wrong. 
This week will be 4th week for Fall open, so we have already reached the mid of the tournament.  Few think they have already made, while few are still struggling and few are on the border. Cricket is very funny game and game is not over till the last ball is balled. Race is not yet over … 

Group A pple
Wielders (sunnyvale cc) 3 out of 3 is only team with all wins here. 
This week they do not have the match, so they remain unbeaten. 

Googly XI and Falcons are yet to open their account. Can Googly confuse the TCC and bowl them out? Can Falcons hold on to their prey Daakus this weekend? 

Group B at
Uran with 2 wins and a tie is only team who has not tasted the defeat. Will Blitz cc drive Uran toward their first defeat?

Hammers and Hulks are still waiting for their wins. Hammers may have to wait till next weekend. Can heroic Hulks sail over Square leg this weekend?

Group C at
Friend XI with their player's form/performance are quite happy more than there 2 wins, who cares about the loss.  Daredevils can repeat their performance and create another upset in the tournament and move on top of the table. 

Poker cc is only team in this group yet to get their hands on the win. Can Poker cc gamble big here and put Hattrickers on hattrick of losses? 

Group D og
Eagles here are flying high with 3 wins in a row, their confidence is high and clear. Will East Indies be just their next victim or turn the table round and jump into the competition. 

Crusaders and Maharajas are so close but yet far in their last encounters. Can Crusaders attack and rule over Kings kingdom and register their first win in Cricbay? Can Maharajas wake up finally and have their break fast in Burlingame United territory?

Group E lephant
Mavericks have time to relax and think over their coming up encounters from next week and make 4 wins in a row. 

GSCC will be trying their best to get started in the tournament against Cougars and create difficult position for Cougars in tournament. 

Group F ish
Spartans are just getting better and better with 2 out of 2 wins they are on top of the table. Will unpredictable Whackers whack the Spartans and create an upset here. 
Nemesis on other hand are finally back to their wining combination with 2 wins in row are looking good. Will WCW give Nemesis a break during this weekend and jump on top of the table. 

Legends will need to wait another week to get back into action and need to come back strong to register their first win. While Indians after their series loss against Ausies finally can focus on Cricbay games :) and smash out Hawkes to come back on wining street. 

Group G oat
Weekenders with 3 out of 3 wins happily enjoying their weekends and playing some good cricket these days. Can Bay Area Titans change times for Weekenders and climb up the table.

Top Guns and Raiders with both losses are hungry for the win. Best part is they are playing with each other so there are chances at least one team will have taste of success, unless its tie :) Let see will Top guns have a shot on Raiders or Raiders take ride over Top guns. 

Group H orse
Megastarts with 3 wins/stars on their shoulders have time to take break. Hurricanes as usual just taking game by game and destroying the opponents, win here will take them to top of the table.

Flighting Clan are still not lucky enough to grab some opening balance. Will this weekend's sun rise brings some luck against Sun cc. Will New Horizons pressurize and calm down the fasting moving Hurricanes. 

Group I ndia :) I love Inida
I think this group is going to be eye catcher and clear gives message to every team Race is not yet over. Every team has almost defeated each other. I will have close eye on them :) 

Only team lagging behind are XI invincible, will they overcome with more power against Cosmos CC and make table more interesting. 

Group J ackal 
Chargers are already charged up with 3 wins and with there openers in form do not mind any opponents on their way as of now. 

RCPC surprisingly not off the mark, can they take charge over Chargers and gain enough charge for remaining tournament. Twenty20 is the last team to win the match yet, can they start their journey to extreme position after defeating Extreme XI.

With my favorite quote " Losers Never Win and Winners never Lose “ and my trademark " Bhavnavho ko samjo … Grammar mien mat uljo … “ end my blog.
Hope you liked it, yes still working on typos and grammar. Suggestions always welcomed.

Keep Smiling Always 

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