Thursday, December 17, 2009

Virtual Championship ... Kismein Kithna Hai Dum

Congratulations !!! Abhinandan Das for wining first intermediate CricFantasy prize. He is been really on the top of the table from quite a long time. His lead of 95 points keeps him on top of the at 2105.5 points. This season people have been playing CricFantasy smartly, that’s the reason why points achieved by each players are quite high. As on today there are around 6 people with 2000+ points on the board.

Last week, due to rains most of the games were abandoned. Do you know still there was game played between Friends XI and Poker cc. Enthusiasm and craze for cricket, can make you play in rains as well :). Cricket was true winner here.

Tournament has reached in last stage of round robin, where every team is trying to put extra effort and cross the boundaries for Platinum or Gold cup. Luckily we have buffer weekend coming weekend. We all already know which teams are battling for the spots in Platinum and how important is for them to win from our wonderful Cricbox articles last week.
It’s not only important for teams to win or loose this weekend but they have to keep an eye on DRR as well. Any ties in points DRR is going to play and important role.

Last week most of us witness few amazing stroke play by Shewag, Dilshan and Sangakara. Cricket these days have been batsman dominated and people are hungry for the runs. Let see can India take over Sri Lanka in ODI and come on the top. The amazing article about strikers vs stroker too tells us how important batting has become part of today’s cricket game.

Remit2India Fall Open 2009 we have 68 teams competing for Platinum, God and Silver cup plus 61 CricFantasy teams competing for some big prize money.

Here is a Big Idea about Virtual Championship. Think about it.

Let me explain you in detail with some example.
- Every player in Cricbay earns CricFantasy points, irrespective he plays or not CricFantasy or part of any present CricFantasy team.
Rajat 292 or so (I think Player with Max CricFantasy points)
Myself 110 or so

- Every CricFantasy Team created by individual earns total points as per his 11 players chosen from various teams.
Oceans 11 by Abhinandan Das 2136.05
CricBay Stars by Myself 1919.8

Here is what we can do …
- Virtual Championship winner or whatever names you want to give.
Cumulative total of all players in same team will give total Cricfantasy points for that team. At the end of tournament team with maximum CricFantsy points in virtual Champion.
Note here team means team for which one player is playing real cricket (Nemesis) and not the CricFantasy team (CricBay Stars) which he have formed.
Nemesis 961 points

Therefore, even you loose or win matches, every player earns points and every team earns points.
It’s all about performance of the team in all areas batting, bowling and fielding. Every score counts and every wicket taken adds.

Current standings are:
1. Spartans - 1272
2. Friends XI - 1265
3. Uran - 1227

From above points its very clear. Your overall performance counts.
Spartans with all wins and couple of all rounder’s is on top spot. While Friends XI loosing one game are just behind by Spartans by very small  margin of 7 points.
Best example is Uran with just 3 wins are at no.3 spot.

- Best part you can keep counting your team CricFantasy points till the end of the tournament and your team can be Virtual winner. Tournament is not over after losing in play off.
- Every team gets chance to win even though they do not win Platinum, Gold or Silver cup. In short everyone plays with more interest till the end of tournament. Less walker or Bye games once the play off starts. More interest, more fun, more Cricket.
- No changes or any addition to rules of CricFantasy or on going Fall Open required implementing it.
- Does not matter whether you are strong team or weak team and which group (Platinum, Gold or Silver) your team belong to. You still can be Virtual Champion - Kismein Kithna Hai Dum
I can go on and on with advantages of this idea.

I have already discussed this idea to Sunil from Cricbay committee. He will soon declare his views officially about the whether we can implement this or not or may be prize or rewards, if any. Who cares about the reward, Cricket is winner. Though wining team can give me some part of reward ;) once declared J. Jokes apart … Just think about it and fell free to comment about what do you think about it. Thanks to Sunil for providing above stats to support  my idea with some numbers.

 Keep Smiling Always
Bhavnavho ko samjo ... Grammar mein mat uljo :)

GoGo Cricket : WL 2009 ...

GoGoInflight Aircel … Thanks to Aircel to make my wish come true and help me to continue my blogging experience without break.
I thought I will miss writing the blog this week, as I am currently traveling to meet my  college friends and spend weekend off from work and Cricket. I had a feeling I will not be able to deliver this week blog as most of the time will be traveling and around with them. 
Internet has become as part of our life and knows each and everything about us. I hope they read my inner feelings too. Guess what I reached San Jose Airport and found free wi-fi, I had 30 ins to browse and check whether Los Angles where my break over journey was has free wi-fi to browse through to get required stats for the blog.  Unluckily no free w.i.-if on LA airport. To my surprise in my current flight I have free w.i.-if and I happy that I will be be to complete my blog before I land :) No wonders, Jab Dil Se Kuch Mhango Mil Hi Jata Hai and here comes the blog. Aircel and American Airlines you heard me. Manh Gaye GoGo. 
Back to Cricket after long refreshing weekend, how it feels ? Though I will be still missing it :(

Tournament started with last week and already see lot of ups and downs. Winter league has always been tournament where teams tend to relax and try new players and various combination. Lot of our players travel for vacation with family and many travel back home. Due to which there is always a issue of getting playing 11. Similar situation was faced by couple of teams and they decided to pull out of the tournament. I do not blame them, there is nothing much we can do. I think best part out of it was, we as a community took great decision in holding ourselves and supported Games committee which had been doing fabulous job from so many years. Kudos to Games committee who hold on their nerve and changed the schedule with least modification and shuffling around and create difficulties for teams to manage their own logistics. In fact we should also appreciate team i11 who have been moved from one group to another group after match 1. Thanks for co-operating and helping each and everyone out. 
This tournament we have lot of new team who will be playing for first time in Winter League. Lets welcome them and help them in whichever ways its possible. Chennai Veerans, i11, Wolves, Mavericks, Titans XI, Rangers, San Jose Superstars, Peacock XI 
Let make this WL 2009 a wonderful tournament with lot of fun and Cricket.
As we have only one umpire, lets take it sportingly. More important Neutral umpiring team kindly make sure you show up on time and be present for the game. Lets report missing umpiring and stick to the rules. As its home/away format, getting ground is difficult, lets try to work together have Cricket all around. More important lets start the game on time and respect each other timing as well.  Please enter brief score and detail score to make cricket more interesting and enjoyable. 
Its almost time to land now. So will cut down and publish it. No proof reading done, bare with me please.
Keep Smiling Always

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

GoGo Cricket ...

GoGoinflight wi-fi !!!! Thanks to Aircel to bring my wish come true and help me to continue my blogging experience without any break.
I thought I will miss writing the blog this week, as I am currently traveling (Yes I am in flight) to meet my college friends and spend weekend off from work and Cricket. I had a feeling, I will not be able to deliver this week blog as most of the time will be traveling and having fun with them. 

Dil Se
Internet has become as part of our life and knows each and everything about us. I hope they read my inner feelings too. Guess what I reached San Jose Airport and found free wi-fi, I had 30-mins to browse and check whether Los Angles (where my break over journey was) has free wi-fi to browse through to get required stats for the blog.  Unluckily no free wi-if on LA airport. To my surprise in my current flight I have free wi.-if and I happy that I will be be to complete my blog before I land :) 
No wonders Jab Dil Se Kuch Mhango Mil Hi Jata Hai and here comes the blog. Aircel and American Airlines you heard me. Manh Gaye GoGo. 
More info :

Last Chance
Back to Cricket after long weekend, how it feels? Though I will be still missing it :( But seeing stats on website will be following matches. 
Coming weekend will be crucial as far as results are concern. Teams will almost know where they stand in their groups. Teams lying on the border of or for top 3 spots will have clear view and will get time to work out for final game next week, which will decided their place in Platinum or Silver group. 

Fantasy not yet over 
Quite a few people are following cricket stats quite closely. Why not they have reasons to do? Yes, I am talking about CricFantasy. This tournament has really produced lot of star players and lot of teams really performing consistently well. As the game moves towards the play off both Tournament and CricFantasy competition are going to be nail biting. I think more than happy will be our proud sponsor Remit2India, as more people involved more popularity they gain. 
More info :

For CricFantasy too this week is going to be last week for any new teams to create, after this no new teams can be created. Moreover, from next week we have 3 intermediate and 3 grand prizes in pipeline, So select / rotate / trade your players smartly and make sure you are one of the smart winner to grab the prize money. After all it’s all about money ;) Money hai tho Honey hai :D

Tol Mol Ke Bol 
I too follow this CricFantasy quite closely. More I follow; more interesting I am finding it. Here are my findings. 
Everyone knows who is on top of Fantasy Team.
1. Oceans 11 --- Abhinandan Das --- 1904.00
2. Kori Roti Squad --- Shiv Alva --- 1845
3. GullyWale --- Nagendra A --- 1820 

Let me ask you few other questions. Let see how many get it right. 
1. Which player has max. CricFantasy points and how many ?
2. What are CricFantasy points of Top Batsman ?
3. What are CricFantasy points of Top Bowler ?
4. How many points you have :) and your teammates have ?
Most important 
5. Which Team has Maximum CricFantasy points ?

I think Team is more important than individual :) Team wins more important than your own win. You perform good or bad at the end of the day Team win and loss matters. 

Answers from me
Deepak Kulkarni 27 Deepak Mallya 115 Dharmesh Bhagat 107 Dinar Dalvi 41 Dinesh Palanivelu 24 Girish Bangalore 10 Harshad Chavan 77 Hitesh Shah 30 Manoj Pawar 37 Nagesh Shirali 1 Parashuram Kulkarni 170 Sarvesh Gharse 16 Sudheendra Vijayakumar 46 Sujith Shetty 82 Vijay Peruri 51 
Nemesis Total 834

Now your time to answer … I am waiting for the answers. 
You never know your answers can fetch you some surprise.. Wait for next week blog. It’s season of festivals and gifts. Just wait and Watch. 

Keep Smiling Always
Bhavnavho ko samjo ... Grammar mein mat uljo :)

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