Thursday, December 17, 2009

Virtual Championship ... Kismein Kithna Hai Dum

Congratulations !!! Abhinandan Das for wining first intermediate CricFantasy prize. He is been really on the top of the table from quite a long time. His lead of 95 points keeps him on top of the at 2105.5 points. This season people have been playing CricFantasy smartly, that’s the reason why points achieved by each players are quite high. As on today there are around 6 people with 2000+ points on the board.

Last week, due to rains most of the games were abandoned. Do you know still there was game played between Friends XI and Poker cc. Enthusiasm and craze for cricket, can make you play in rains as well :). Cricket was true winner here.

Tournament has reached in last stage of round robin, where every team is trying to put extra effort and cross the boundaries for Platinum or Gold cup. Luckily we have buffer weekend coming weekend. We all already know which teams are battling for the spots in Platinum and how important is for them to win from our wonderful Cricbox articles last week.
It’s not only important for teams to win or loose this weekend but they have to keep an eye on DRR as well. Any ties in points DRR is going to play and important role.

Last week most of us witness few amazing stroke play by Shewag, Dilshan and Sangakara. Cricket these days have been batsman dominated and people are hungry for the runs. Let see can India take over Sri Lanka in ODI and come on the top. The amazing article about strikers vs stroker too tells us how important batting has become part of today’s cricket game.

Remit2India Fall Open 2009 we have 68 teams competing for Platinum, God and Silver cup plus 61 CricFantasy teams competing for some big prize money.

Here is a Big Idea about Virtual Championship. Think about it.

Let me explain you in detail with some example.
- Every player in Cricbay earns CricFantasy points, irrespective he plays or not CricFantasy or part of any present CricFantasy team.
Rajat 292 or so (I think Player with Max CricFantasy points)
Myself 110 or so

- Every CricFantasy Team created by individual earns total points as per his 11 players chosen from various teams.
Oceans 11 by Abhinandan Das 2136.05
CricBay Stars by Myself 1919.8

Here is what we can do …
- Virtual Championship winner or whatever names you want to give.
Cumulative total of all players in same team will give total Cricfantasy points for that team. At the end of tournament team with maximum CricFantsy points in virtual Champion.
Note here team means team for which one player is playing real cricket (Nemesis) and not the CricFantasy team (CricBay Stars) which he have formed.
Nemesis 961 points

Therefore, even you loose or win matches, every player earns points and every team earns points.
It’s all about performance of the team in all areas batting, bowling and fielding. Every score counts and every wicket taken adds.

Current standings are:
1. Spartans - 1272
2. Friends XI - 1265
3. Uran - 1227

From above points its very clear. Your overall performance counts.
Spartans with all wins and couple of all rounder’s is on top spot. While Friends XI loosing one game are just behind by Spartans by very small  margin of 7 points.
Best example is Uran with just 3 wins are at no.3 spot.

- Best part you can keep counting your team CricFantasy points till the end of the tournament and your team can be Virtual winner. Tournament is not over after losing in play off.
- Every team gets chance to win even though they do not win Platinum, Gold or Silver cup. In short everyone plays with more interest till the end of tournament. Less walker or Bye games once the play off starts. More interest, more fun, more Cricket.
- No changes or any addition to rules of CricFantasy or on going Fall Open required implementing it.
- Does not matter whether you are strong team or weak team and which group (Platinum, Gold or Silver) your team belong to. You still can be Virtual Champion - Kismein Kithna Hai Dum
I can go on and on with advantages of this idea.

I have already discussed this idea to Sunil from Cricbay committee. He will soon declare his views officially about the whether we can implement this or not or may be prize or rewards, if any. Who cares about the reward, Cricket is winner. Though wining team can give me some part of reward ;) once declared J. Jokes apart … Just think about it and fell free to comment about what do you think about it. Thanks to Sunil for providing above stats to support  my idea with some numbers.

 Keep Smiling Always
Bhavnavho ko samjo ... Grammar mein mat uljo :)

GoGo Cricket : WL 2009 ...

GoGoInflight Aircel … Thanks to Aircel to make my wish come true and help me to continue my blogging experience without break.
I thought I will miss writing the blog this week, as I am currently traveling to meet my  college friends and spend weekend off from work and Cricket. I had a feeling I will not be able to deliver this week blog as most of the time will be traveling and around with them. 
Internet has become as part of our life and knows each and everything about us. I hope they read my inner feelings too. Guess what I reached San Jose Airport and found free wi-fi, I had 30 ins to browse and check whether Los Angles where my break over journey was has free wi-fi to browse through to get required stats for the blog.  Unluckily no free w.i.-if on LA airport. To my surprise in my current flight I have free w.i.-if and I happy that I will be be to complete my blog before I land :) No wonders, Jab Dil Se Kuch Mhango Mil Hi Jata Hai and here comes the blog. Aircel and American Airlines you heard me. Manh Gaye GoGo. 
Back to Cricket after long refreshing weekend, how it feels ? Though I will be still missing it :(

Tournament started with last week and already see lot of ups and downs. Winter league has always been tournament where teams tend to relax and try new players and various combination. Lot of our players travel for vacation with family and many travel back home. Due to which there is always a issue of getting playing 11. Similar situation was faced by couple of teams and they decided to pull out of the tournament. I do not blame them, there is nothing much we can do. I think best part out of it was, we as a community took great decision in holding ourselves and supported Games committee which had been doing fabulous job from so many years. Kudos to Games committee who hold on their nerve and changed the schedule with least modification and shuffling around and create difficulties for teams to manage their own logistics. In fact we should also appreciate team i11 who have been moved from one group to another group after match 1. Thanks for co-operating and helping each and everyone out. 
This tournament we have lot of new team who will be playing for first time in Winter League. Lets welcome them and help them in whichever ways its possible. Chennai Veerans, i11, Wolves, Mavericks, Titans XI, Rangers, San Jose Superstars, Peacock XI 
Let make this WL 2009 a wonderful tournament with lot of fun and Cricket.
As we have only one umpire, lets take it sportingly. More important Neutral umpiring team kindly make sure you show up on time and be present for the game. Lets report missing umpiring and stick to the rules. As its home/away format, getting ground is difficult, lets try to work together have Cricket all around. More important lets start the game on time and respect each other timing as well.  Please enter brief score and detail score to make cricket more interesting and enjoyable. 
Its almost time to land now. So will cut down and publish it. No proof reading done, bare with me please.
Keep Smiling Always

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

GoGo Cricket ...

GoGoinflight wi-fi !!!! Thanks to Aircel to bring my wish come true and help me to continue my blogging experience without any break.
I thought I will miss writing the blog this week, as I am currently traveling (Yes I am in flight) to meet my college friends and spend weekend off from work and Cricket. I had a feeling, I will not be able to deliver this week blog as most of the time will be traveling and having fun with them. 

Dil Se
Internet has become as part of our life and knows each and everything about us. I hope they read my inner feelings too. Guess what I reached San Jose Airport and found free wi-fi, I had 30-mins to browse and check whether Los Angles (where my break over journey was) has free wi-fi to browse through to get required stats for the blog.  Unluckily no free wi-if on LA airport. To my surprise in my current flight I have free wi.-if and I happy that I will be be to complete my blog before I land :) 
No wonders Jab Dil Se Kuch Mhango Mil Hi Jata Hai and here comes the blog. Aircel and American Airlines you heard me. Manh Gaye GoGo. 
More info :

Last Chance
Back to Cricket after long weekend, how it feels? Though I will be still missing it :( But seeing stats on website will be following matches. 
Coming weekend will be crucial as far as results are concern. Teams will almost know where they stand in their groups. Teams lying on the border of or for top 3 spots will have clear view and will get time to work out for final game next week, which will decided their place in Platinum or Silver group. 

Fantasy not yet over 
Quite a few people are following cricket stats quite closely. Why not they have reasons to do? Yes, I am talking about CricFantasy. This tournament has really produced lot of star players and lot of teams really performing consistently well. As the game moves towards the play off both Tournament and CricFantasy competition are going to be nail biting. I think more than happy will be our proud sponsor Remit2India, as more people involved more popularity they gain. 
More info :

For CricFantasy too this week is going to be last week for any new teams to create, after this no new teams can be created. Moreover, from next week we have 3 intermediate and 3 grand prizes in pipeline, So select / rotate / trade your players smartly and make sure you are one of the smart winner to grab the prize money. After all it’s all about money ;) Money hai tho Honey hai :D

Tol Mol Ke Bol 
I too follow this CricFantasy quite closely. More I follow; more interesting I am finding it. Here are my findings. 
Everyone knows who is on top of Fantasy Team.
1. Oceans 11 --- Abhinandan Das --- 1904.00
2. Kori Roti Squad --- Shiv Alva --- 1845
3. GullyWale --- Nagendra A --- 1820 

Let me ask you few other questions. Let see how many get it right. 
1. Which player has max. CricFantasy points and how many ?
2. What are CricFantasy points of Top Batsman ?
3. What are CricFantasy points of Top Bowler ?
4. How many points you have :) and your teammates have ?
Most important 
5. Which Team has Maximum CricFantasy points ?

I think Team is more important than individual :) Team wins more important than your own win. You perform good or bad at the end of the day Team win and loss matters. 

Answers from me
Deepak Kulkarni 27 Deepak Mallya 115 Dharmesh Bhagat 107 Dinar Dalvi 41 Dinesh Palanivelu 24 Girish Bangalore 10 Harshad Chavan 77 Hitesh Shah 30 Manoj Pawar 37 Nagesh Shirali 1 Parashuram Kulkarni 170 Sarvesh Gharse 16 Sudheendra Vijayakumar 46 Sujith Shetty 82 Vijay Peruri 51 
Nemesis Total 834

Now your time to answer … I am waiting for the answers. 
You never know your answers can fetch you some surprise.. Wait for next week blog. It’s season of festivals and gifts. Just wait and Watch. 

Keep Smiling Always
Bhavnavho ko samjo ... Grammar mein mat uljo :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thank you for your support ...

Long weekend!!!, Few people will be really happy with holidays at work while few may be unhappy as there will be no cricket this weekend. Lot of us have been playing cricket continuously without any breaks. Cricket has become routine of our weekends. Browsing the website, polling, searching for grounds, selecting playing 11, car polling and what not. This weekend we won’t have to worry about any of this things, how does it feel will be quite interesting question to be asked to all?

Coming long weekend, most of them must have planned for vacation or some sort of trips in and around California or may be in US somewhere or quite of few have decided to visit India. So where are you heading to?

Playing cricket is all about teamwork, co ordination and understanding each other. This all on the field but have you ever thought how much moral support, understanding and adjustment we do at home with our family. I think majority of people playing today are married and have kids. Do you agree with me without their moral support and understanding of your wife and kids all these could have been really possible. Few who are on the edge of getting married they too have to smartly handle and convince their counter part, girl friend and spend time on the field. While Bachelors like me have to skip few parties, trips, get together and adjust few on calls duties of work :)

I think this weekend we should thank one and all in our family and close ones who have given such wonderful support. Lets make them happy and spend time with them and build our long innings back at home :). After all they are the one who bare our frustrations after loss or any off fields upsets. So here we have opportunity to share our love and feelings for them. This blog is especially for all family members and love ones. Thank you one and all and Tons of love to you all.

“Sweet is the breath of vernal shower, The bee’s collected treasures sweet, Sweet music’s melting fall, but sweeter yet, The still small voice of gratitude.” –Thomas Gray

Still no plans for holidays?  No worries, there are many more things you can do in and around Bay area.
Short trips - SFO :), Muir woods, CA-1 drive, Big Sur, 17-Miles drive, Half Moon bay, Nappa valley.
Want more trips - Lake Tahoe skiing, Reno the gambling, Mount shasta the snow, Crater lake, all time fav LA and San Diego or Go Vegas :D.
New movies - 2012, Kurban, Paa, A Christmas Carol, Planet 51 @ AMC or Naaz theaters
Want to try food - Peacock Biriyani, Kokillas kitchen the veggie, Pizza pub party time, Dosa in SFO try this out, Frankie Johny and my all time fav BJs or O'Flaherty's Irish Pub daru time ;)
Games - Bowling @ Strike or AMF, Mini golf @ Golfland, Sunken Gardens golf course, Maze farms like Arata pumpkin farm, Paint ball and what not?
Shopping - Best part of Thanks giving, lot of deals at Gilroy.

So much to do, can keep on writing about it.
You tell me what are you guy’s up to? New suggestions or New places or New restaurant that can be tried out.

Happy Holidays to You and Your Family.

Kings like Money,
Bees like Honey.
Rose is a flower that smells for an hour,
Family has a power that does not end forever.
Do not know who wrote it ;)

Keep Smiling Always
Bhavnavho ko samjo ... Grammar mein mat uljo :)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Warriors the FLT winners

Memories of FLT are still fresh in front of me and may be in lot of people's mind. Wining tournament and to participate in finals are great achievement in itself for Bhola XI and Warriors. To be in top 2 out of 52 teams in knock-out type of format is not a joke. Believe me, game was awesome to view. Result was not sure till the last ball was bowled.

This is blog I have tried to put in words what I have seen. Being a true spectator and pleasure of umpiring such a wonderful games of cricket.
All Pics available : Thanks to Anil and Chirag for wonderful pics

Catalysters (CATS) and Warriors (WARS) 

CATS innings - What a shot
Toss was won by CATS, with no hesitation they took batting first. Rohan and Gaya opened the innings. They are one of the dangerous pair in TCA, but in return WARS launched their sphere head Himesh and Raj. Initially Gaya looked dangerous; shot from his bat over covers fence for 2 runs was magnificent to watch. It was magic arm Ravi S brought to attack and without wasting his time he picked up dangerous looking Gaya in Covers and Rohan in same over. They knew game was half done for them. Parshu and Suijth tried to rotate the strike and tried be as quick as possible between the wickets. Anil and Ravi you can say applied the breaks to CATS innings and grab quick wickets at regular intervals. In comes the Ganapathi, his short after few singles to deep wicket fence was fultoo paisa vasol shot. I think even bowler did not mind seeing such a powerful hit, the power behind the shot was so much that ball passed over the Srikanth head in no time - What a shot. It was flat six, which hardly had any elevation. After 9 over's CATS were 34/6, Vishnu was the bowler, he tough took 2 bowled in last over, but few extras and quick running between wickets settled CATS on 45/9. 

Chai Pani time Break
As per ground previous stats, this was fighting score and this was well known to both teams. You can see focus and determination in both teams’ faces during the break. 

WARS innings - What a commitment
The run machines Vijay and Tank loaded of powerful shots Amol started the innings for the WARS. As these teams have played with each other so many times. Field was set right away for them. But change in field and fielding setting on every ball, focus was lost by CATS, that’s what I feel and this pair took the advantage of the same and build a initial platform for WARS. Vijay was given run out by me, could have become the turning point of the game. I do agree I was not in right position while giving the run out, but I still think he was out :) may be people think it was touch and go. WARS were almost mad at me but they focused on the game and moved on from the incident. Soon Rohan ran out Amol. Back to back wickets got CATS back into the game. Himesh lost his focus after decision from Divya for a wide call and was clean bowled at very next ball. Anil the fastest running between the wickets was clean bowled by Rohan, what a ball, at a moment I felt it edge the bat but found it kissed the off stump and bails were off. WARS needed runs with RR almost 6. Then comes the chotu - Srikanth the MOM of the game. He and Panda made sure they touch each and every ball to the bat. Moment it hit the bat run was taken, in doing so Sri jumped couple times to make the ground - What a commitment. No doubts they batted brilliantly but CATS gave away the game in their fielding settings and poor pick and throw and not attacking the ball. Sri completed the match in style with boundary. Match was over well before 10th over. WARS in real sense won the match from CATS. 

Mukabala hai tumse 
Back to back matches in two days is not a easy job, whether its 20 over match or 10 over match. But seeing body language of Bhola XI and Warriors, I never felt they were tired or in mode of relaxing. Every one was charged up and ready for big Finals. Thanks to the crowd and sponsors who made final really look special. 

Warriors (WARS) and Bhola XI (B11)

WARS innings – what a Six
WARS sticked with their wining combination and after wining toss decided to bat. Vijay and Amol came with a plan. Pressure of finals was visible on each player and pressure to score extra on miss fielding by B11, got their first victim in form of run out. Mix up between them was reason for run not and it was not me for a change ;). Amol took the charge along with dangerous all rounder Himesh. Both these power rangers’ tanks started attacking B11 bowling attack. Six from Himesh in Chirag's bowling was shot of the day. What a Six - Ball flew almost 20 feet behind the boundary and elevation was wonderful to watch. Partnership between them brought WARS in comfortable seat. B11 never gave up at any point of time and everyone chipped in and did not allow WARS  to take over the fort so easily. Hardik and Jignesh bowling variation of fast and slower ones and changing their length was fun to watch. They were unplayable. Great fielding by all B11 players restricted WARS on 47/7. It was great achievement as WARS at one time looked dangerous and I got feeling they could have made 55 to 60. 

Last Mantra 
Ganpati Bapa Moriya and Go Warriors Go were their mantras and payers were charged with energy and strategies were set. 

B11 innings - Catches win matches
Man in form with 100+ runs in FLT Hardik and along with stylish Chintan opened the innings for the B11. There were few changes in their team, absence of Nihir was visible in start of the innings but Chirag took the charge of the team and got them together. This lefty righty combination started playing their shots all over the park. They looked dangerous and unbeatable. In order to complete match quickly Hardik played ball in the air. Vishnu took a wonderful catch running from long on, he made catch look so simple but it was one of the best catch in pressure situation and that too of Hardik. Chitan kept his head down and played his role in style. Jay another upcoming talent played his shots on both sides of wickets. His square cut and flick shoots were effortless. Raj tested the youngster with his change of pace and line and length. Raj was rewarded, by getting an edge that Panda without any mistakes grabbed in his gloves. Sanket joint Chitan to chase the remaining target. Sanket with lot of batting skills look so confident, his cover drive was beauty. It was diving stops by Vijay and Sri kept the energy level and standard of WARS fielding very high, they must have definitely saved 5 to 6 runs there. Here comes turning point of the game, Chintan trying to clear inner field and seeing opportunity to score played a ball in air. Raj and Anil both ran to grab the catch. Noise was and pressure was so high they did not hear each others call and dash into each other. But Raj kept eyes and his hands on the ball and before falling down got hold on the ball and clash tuned out into wicket. Yes, Catches win Matches quite evident after this. Anil got chance to grab missing opportunity, he clean bowled Sanket and was rewarded with wicket. Last 3 over’s by Sri, Anil and Vishnu was right on target and B11 fell 4 short of their target. Sachin and Jignesh fought till the end but could send the ball out of the park. 

Warriors won the match and people running all over the ground and congratulating each other, one side people were really happy and were in their world on other side hard luck and frustration for some players. B11 lost the match but I think they lost to better team on the given day who Batted, bowled and fielded exceptionally well. 

Hosh Mein Josh
Guys, win and loss are part of the game. I know its not easy to digest defeat nor the Win. You get either too much excited or get really frustrated by the result. But keep you head cool and have presence of mind please, because in frustration someone hit the stump hard and stump flew like sphere and touch wood it didn't hit anyone. This was really dangerous and such incidents can be definitely avoided. So I request each and everyone to act responsibly in coming tournament and control your emotions whenever possible. No hard feeling to anyone here but it was important to mention. 

Warriors wining the game and FLT back to back. I enjoyed my umpiring in finals once again. 
MOM for finals - Amol Pai 
MVP – Hardik T 
Most 6’s – Amol Pai
Most 4’s - Barry

We will miss Warriors in WL but Bhola XI are still in the race before holding the WL hampionship title. They have appeared 3 times in last 4 tournament finals. 

League 2009 Bhola XI beats Catalysters
KO 2009 Strikers beats Catalysters
Open 2009 Chennai 94086 beats Bhola XI 
FLT 2009 Warriors beats Bhola XI 

Four tournament Four different winners … 
WL 2009 Just 2 days to go … it could be your chance to get grab the trophy  or Will Bhola XI or Stikers break the trend of new winner in new tournament. 

Keep Smiling Always

Bhavnavho ko samjo ... Grammar mein mat uljo :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Cricket at its Best

Thanks for your comments and inspiring words. More feedback, more comments, more Cricket action has given me more energy to write the blogs. Nice to see lot of people proving me wrong in their match results last weekend. J  

Bhagam Bhag  
Saturday 14 Nov 2009, The game was fixed between Nemesis( NEM) and Weekend Cricket Warriors( WCW) at Thomas Russell. 
Early morning rains gave the intention that day is not giving to be easy. After reaching ground found they have some construction going o­n the ground. Reaching early to ground helped us, to co ordinate between ourselves and have look at various grounds and were lucky to locate the ground well in time. Everyone including umpires moved to new ground and ground was ready in no time. Thanks to both teams to work together and get the things moving.  

Head ya Tails  
Toss was won by NEM, and without giving second thought they elected to bat. Pitch was quite uneven and NEM decided to broom it out at last moment. Climate was o­n colder side and it was over cast. It was drizzling but I doubt, enthusiasm reduced or thought of canceling the match came to anyones mind.

Singles and Doubles  Key for Batting.
Vijay and Manoj opened the innings. Pitch was going to be tricky and showed its trickiness when ball sharply came in and stayed lowed which took wicket of Vijay. Parshu joint Manoj, he did not took his time to settle down and started picking singles. Manoj was middling the ball, and some of his cut shot and o­n the rise shots were amazing to watch. His poor judgment cost him his wicket in form of run-out by Manish. Manish was fielding in covers and who says he had just arrived from India, he was fully charged and was right o­n top of the ball whenever it was placed near him. Then comes captain Harshad. The lefty righty combination of Parshu and Harshad slowly took control over the game and NEM were 34/2 in 10 overs. 

Dhamaka time
After the break they made their intentions clear and started scoring and running for every opportunity they got. Singles and doubles were flowing easily and occasional boundaries added as catalyst to their scoring. In no time NEM reached 62/2 in 15 overs. With 8 wickets in hand they had decided to go behind the bowling and take their chances. Harshad, you can was lucky enough or you can say WCW gave him many chances in form of drop catch and run out opportunities. o­n the other hand Parshu was unbeaten, he had played shots all over the park and cover drive from him was wonderful to watch. Finally Harshad was bowled by Manish o­n second last ball and last ball Deepak trying to get hit out of the park was caught in deep. Last wickets puts Manish o­n hat trick in next match. I would love to see if he is able to get hold of wicket o­n 1st ball against Indians. While Parshu remain unbeaten. Singles and doubles helped NEM to score 96/4 with just 5 boundaries. While in bowling Sulabh started well but at the end gave away few runs. I think overall their bowling was o­n the target just giving away just 5 extras. Day belonged to batsman. 

Never give up  Key to success 
NEM were looking really confident after their score o­n the board but decided to move o­n ball by ball and play as a team. I was more impressed by WCW positive attitude to chase down the score. I heard the chatter from their dug out, they can do it and they have done it in past and presence of Manish gave them hope of success. 

Every dot ball counts  Key for Bowling 
Sujith and Hitesh started the bowling for NEM, while Kunal and Dheeraj from WCW were ready to face them. I was happy because sun was out for the first time and felt that things will change and bowlers and fielders will get help in holding the ball cleanly. No doubts batsmans had their own plan ready. After few dot balls Dheeraj started punishing the bad balls out of the park. He made captain think and got deep square leg right from second over. While Kunal taking advantage of gaps in off started picking up singles. No sooner they reached 32/0 in 5 overs. Then it was some energetic fielding and o­n target bowling by Deepak M and Parshu controlled run scoring machines of WCW to 45/0 in 10 overs.
Plan mein twist
Every dot ball counts was key to success and they had 10 wickets in hand and every dot ball will bring required run rate bit higher. Anything was possible from here. 
After the break, they brought DB in attack. Up till now he was just a spectator watching the game from long o­n. With plan of his own and importance of dot balls he was right o­n the target. His first victim was Dheeraj who had been playing most of his shots in mid wicket area was trapped in off at cover point by Parshu. His sharp catch broke the partnership; it was the fielders wicket than the bowler's. In the same over Kunal who was playing confidently, try to do something different and played for the first time ball in the air in the leg side. Unfortunately he spotted Hitesh, who has o­ne of the safest hands in NEM side. Double break through got NEM back in the game. Parshu while o­n other end had decided not to relax and few tight over fetch him wicket of Praveen. Manish the dangerous man was in the crease and he is well know for stealing the singles and was quite successful. Along with Jayesh scoreboard started moving. Dinar trying too hard almost got hold of the catch and run out but was unlucky to get decision in his favor. He kept trying and finally got hold of price wicket of Manish in form of run out. Bowlers were quite supported by sharp fielding in front of the stumps and in deep. Sudhi, Manoj, Deepak K and VJ were o­n top of the ball and did not allow any extra runs. Required run rate was picking up and dots balls were making life miserable for batsman. Jayesh had not yet given up, he played his shots and punished the full toss out of the park way behind the boundary lines. His innings brought WCW back into the game. Sudhi ran him out just at right time. At o­ne time required run rate was roughly 6.5 now was brought to under 5. 

Abhi Khatam nahi huva hai ... 
4 overs 19 runs needed and 5 wickets in hand. Harshad had very limited choice left in bowling change and handed bowl to DB o­nce again, our main plan was to just give no easy runs from here o­n wards. You can say it was DB's day he was right o­n target getting batsman do something different. Saurabh tried to be innovative and stood almost near off side wide. Dot ball created pressure and he nicked the ball to Dinar. Vivek was unlucky to get o­ne of the slowest ball in the match and was clean bowled o­n next ball. With just sinlge in the over, WCW require 18 of 18 with 3 wickets in hand. Deepak M, DB kept their head cool and just gave 11 of the next 12 balls. Sujith was confident enough and decided to bowl last over with 2 wickets in hand pressure was o­n bowler. Prithvi played awesome inning and trying to get an extra run was run out by Hitesh, man never challenge him, he is dam sharp in fielding and throw right to keeper gloves from deep wicket ended innings of Prithvi.  
Climax  Photo finish 
Last ball 2 runs needed, Sujith right o­n york length, Batsman lucky to get wood o­n the ball and diving stop from Parshu at short mid off and quick release to Sujith lead to final run out of the match. No runs scored, WCW all out and NEM wins by 1 run. 

Thank you o­ne and all  
What a match. I think it will be o­n of the finest match or may be memorable match for all playing players and may be for Umpires. 
Umpires Shiv and Amol were great in keeping their cool and handling the close calls. Thanks guys. WCW I loved playing with you guys. 
I would say Cricket was at it best with not having just o­ne winner or o­ne Man of the match, everyone involved in the game deserved man of the match. They showed in Cricket, game is not over till the last ball is bowled and never give up till then. 
DB is nobody but me ;). I had a blast. I wished MOM was given to Parshu, so as many of us would have thought as he belongs to my dream cricfantasy team. 

Yet not registered to cricfantasy , do it today and win exciting prizes from our proud sponsors. 

Keep Smiling Always 
Bhavnavho ko samjo ... Grammar mein mat uljo :)
From next time will try to cut down the blog :)  

Friday, November 13, 2009

Lights, Camera and Action ...

The day has arrived for all the cricket lovers to witness Flood light super pack action weekend. The stage is set, players are charged up, volunteers are ready to entertain people/viewers and sponsors are excited. Lights, Camera and Action. 

Weather report 
Saturday 50F feel like 45F 
Sunday 55F feels like 48F 
Nights are going to be cold, so get your sweater on. 

Spandana presents Finals and Women Cricket
Read more:

FLT has tested all the teams and best 4 teams are battling for the title this weekend. No team is new to us and they too know each other. So it’s going to be battle of nerve and strategy. Let best team win. Time to play with Mind than with Heart. 

Bhola XI - The Fighters/Blessers 
Blessing of Ganpati Bappa are looking rock solid. Never give up attitude and skills pulling the match from opponent’s mouth consistently. 

Catalysters - The Allrounders
There all round talent in cricket right from batting, bowling and fielding has kept them in top of the table from long time consistently. 

Warriors - The Champions
Every player in the team is a match winner. Winning has become their habit. Effortlessly and consistently defeating the opponents.

Beamers - The Event leaders
They have come to the tournament with focus and right combination. They are true deserving Event leaders, defeating 5 opponents on there way consistently. 

Each team is or where consistent in their performance. But what matters is the game day, which team can play as team and keep their head down and capitalize opponent’s mistakes. 

As per my views these things are going to be deciding factors in Semis and Finals. 

1. Right team combination: Batting and Bowling order are going to be key points. Get your best player get the chance to bat and bowl. I remember blog written by Chirag Why ? Why ? Why ? And ask again why was Tridy and Bhavesh not given chance in batting during match against Catalysters last week.

2. Fielding: You need to be on top o the ball. Right fielders at right places is the key. Every run counts. Give your 100% and be on the toes. Ask Catalysters, how fielding can win the game, Vijay was MOM for his brilliant effort on the last ball to defeat strong Acers. While ask Rhinos how fielding could have made the difference in their game against Warriors. 

3. Presence of mind: Grab each opportunity you get and capitalize slightest mistakes you see. No wonder you see large number of run-outs in the tournament. Ghanu and Arpit skillfully took double on the last ball, which made the difference at the end of the game. 
(When ball was played to backward short leg by Arpit, Ghanu reached the srikers end and waited for Arpit to come back for double in the crease itself, at that point both were at strkers end, guess what they got the second run, as there was no one was on bowlers end to receive the ball)

4. Never give up : Game is not over till the last ball is balled. Anything and Everything is possible in Cricket. 
Star cc vs Bhola XI, Star cc needed 25 of 18 balls and just 4 wickets in hand. Durga facing Chirag, effortlessly hammered 2 sixes and turn the tables in 18th over. It was team effort of Bhola XI and some awesome bowling by Hardik and Sanket restricted the Star cc well short of the target. 
Acers vs Cats, Acer require 10 of the last over. 4 balls 9 needed and then six from Shiva in such pressure situation almost got game for Acers. But it was great bowling by Chiru and match wining fielding effort by Vijay defeated Acers on the last ball. 

5. Toss: All teams like batting first :) . Warriors, Bhola XI and Beamers have not batted second, would not like to bat second, nor will Catalyster like to. Most of the teams who have batted first have won the match in this tournament. Will toss win will be Match win? 

6. Power play : Single double is the key and not power hitting shots. In power play there are 9 fielders on the ground not within 15 yard circle. Every fielder is waiting for your catch in the deep.

Gone is gone. All it matters is how you are going to tackle coming weekend game. Playing back to back will be testing for player's stamina and consistency skills.
Please invite your friends for the final event we have lot of actions line up like Women cricket, Relief fund from Spandana and some delicious food from Peacock

Keep Smiling Always
Bhavnavho ko samjo ... Grammar mein mat uljo :)

Race is not yet over ...

As per my information every team has 5 matches to be played in Round 1, correct me if I am wrong. 
This week will be 4th week for Fall open, so we have already reached the mid of the tournament.  Few think they have already made, while few are still struggling and few are on the border. Cricket is very funny game and game is not over till the last ball is balled. Race is not yet over … 

Group A pple
Wielders (sunnyvale cc) 3 out of 3 is only team with all wins here. 
This week they do not have the match, so they remain unbeaten. 

Googly XI and Falcons are yet to open their account. Can Googly confuse the TCC and bowl them out? Can Falcons hold on to their prey Daakus this weekend? 

Group B at
Uran with 2 wins and a tie is only team who has not tasted the defeat. Will Blitz cc drive Uran toward their first defeat?

Hammers and Hulks are still waiting for their wins. Hammers may have to wait till next weekend. Can heroic Hulks sail over Square leg this weekend?

Group C at
Friend XI with their player's form/performance are quite happy more than there 2 wins, who cares about the loss.  Daredevils can repeat their performance and create another upset in the tournament and move on top of the table. 

Poker cc is only team in this group yet to get their hands on the win. Can Poker cc gamble big here and put Hattrickers on hattrick of losses? 

Group D og
Eagles here are flying high with 3 wins in a row, their confidence is high and clear. Will East Indies be just their next victim or turn the table round and jump into the competition. 

Crusaders and Maharajas are so close but yet far in their last encounters. Can Crusaders attack and rule over Kings kingdom and register their first win in Cricbay? Can Maharajas wake up finally and have their break fast in Burlingame United territory?

Group E lephant
Mavericks have time to relax and think over their coming up encounters from next week and make 4 wins in a row. 

GSCC will be trying their best to get started in the tournament against Cougars and create difficult position for Cougars in tournament. 

Group F ish
Spartans are just getting better and better with 2 out of 2 wins they are on top of the table. Will unpredictable Whackers whack the Spartans and create an upset here. 
Nemesis on other hand are finally back to their wining combination with 2 wins in row are looking good. Will WCW give Nemesis a break during this weekend and jump on top of the table. 

Legends will need to wait another week to get back into action and need to come back strong to register their first win. While Indians after their series loss against Ausies finally can focus on Cricbay games :) and smash out Hawkes to come back on wining street. 

Group G oat
Weekenders with 3 out of 3 wins happily enjoying their weekends and playing some good cricket these days. Can Bay Area Titans change times for Weekenders and climb up the table.

Top Guns and Raiders with both losses are hungry for the win. Best part is they are playing with each other so there are chances at least one team will have taste of success, unless its tie :) Let see will Top guns have a shot on Raiders or Raiders take ride over Top guns. 

Group H orse
Megastarts with 3 wins/stars on their shoulders have time to take break. Hurricanes as usual just taking game by game and destroying the opponents, win here will take them to top of the table.

Flighting Clan are still not lucky enough to grab some opening balance. Will this weekend's sun rise brings some luck against Sun cc. Will New Horizons pressurize and calm down the fasting moving Hurricanes. 

Group I ndia :) I love Inida
I think this group is going to be eye catcher and clear gives message to every team Race is not yet over. Every team has almost defeated each other. I will have close eye on them :) 

Only team lagging behind are XI invincible, will they overcome with more power against Cosmos CC and make table more interesting. 

Group J ackal 
Chargers are already charged up with 3 wins and with there openers in form do not mind any opponents on their way as of now. 

RCPC surprisingly not off the mark, can they take charge over Chargers and gain enough charge for remaining tournament. Twenty20 is the last team to win the match yet, can they start their journey to extreme position after defeating Extreme XI.

With my favorite quote " Losers Never Win and Winners never Lose “ and my trademark " Bhavnavho ko samjo … Grammar mien mat uljo … “ end my blog.
Hope you liked it, yes still working on typos and grammar. Suggestions always welcomed.

Keep Smiling Always 

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Cricket Dil Se ...

Two years before I landed in US and year and half before in California. I thought I would be missing all the actions, sports, family, relatives, festivals and what not. When I reached here I knew hardly anyone. Various taught used to come to my mind what the hell, I have decided to come here leaving everything behind. No regrets, I can proudly say I have whole group of people who know me and with whom I can share and enjoy every part of my life. I have found a family to play with and share with.

With no activity, for person like me, to spend time on weekend was next to impossible. I was lucky to join few office colleagues and reached on the ground on 1st weekend itself. I still remember I had hardly anything unpacked and other worries like searching car and house etc. but joy of playing cricket helped me forget all my worries and gave me hope of joy. Still enjoy every moment of my life.

Cricket in Bay area, has not only become part of my life but it has become routine or essential thing without which I wonder how could I have survived in this foreign land. I have been playing cricket from my first week till today every weekend both days and whenever and wherever I got the opportunity to play. You wont believe I get up early during weekends as compare weekdays. People say weekends are for relaxing but it's vice versa for me, I think it will be, most of us.

Cricket here has given me lot of new learning’s like discipline, practice, joy, co ordination, blogging (ay still learning and working on typo and grammar), but I consider most valuable thing I have earned is support and friendship of you all. It has become part of my life or family in itself. I think playing week by week we all see each other or meet each other more than our close relatives or friends. I have not meet couple of my college friends so often as I have meet people with whom I have played matches with or against them. I hope many will agree on this as well.

No doubt Cricket in our leagues are getting more competitive and passionate. People are playing cricket from so many years in these leagues, that I am amazed to see their dedication and consistency. More you play more gain experience and more zeal to do better. No one likes loosing, some people may say they are just playing for fun, but they too know from within they are not playing to loose.

Cricket has always been game of passion whether may be its match between India and Pakisthan or Australia or Kenya. Bigger the team more is fun to see and enjoy and talk about it. No wonders, cricket stadium in Inida are hardly empty whenever India play on home soil. We always talk about cricket, what Dhoni could have done, IPL is rocking, Yuvraj is flirting ;), what not. This passion and zeal has always kept Indian sponsors to put lot of money in Cricket.

Every weekend with passion and enthusiasm everyone is playing cricket from so many years. We almost know everything before the game like who our opponents are, who is skillful player, what are his stats, we have our own plans to win the match.

Any game you play involves tough head to head competition. We must have witnessed so many matches or played with so many people weekend by weekend, that it has become our routine. Every match we play is almost like friendly getogether or may be a small family meet you can say. Tell which family or friends do not fight. I think everyone does. :) In a friendly way.

Sometimes our passion and urge to win takes over our mind and we get carried away from the man focus that's cricket and joy and start playing with aggression and revenge or to prove some pointless point. Things happen intentionally or unintentionally and we know something is wrong. There could be lot of reasons behind our such behavior may be due to bad day at work or home, over cut due to late start, bad decision by umpire, sledding, there culled be n number of reasons to trigger you. When you look back once the incident is over, we think and may be feel regret of it. With one click of button on nuclear weapon this world could be destroyed but controlling the finger to click the button is in our own hands.

My particular blog is not intended to any particular person or incident. But I really feel, we are loosing our main focus i.e. playing Cricket with fun and joy and most important our valuable weekend time. More than anything we are loosing friendship, spirit, time of other and family bonding between ourselves, which we have achieved in so many years. Don't you think so?

At the end of day or may be couple of years form now, I know one thing, I am not just going to see and look at the stats like how many runs I have scored or how many wickets I have taken, I going to remember with whom I have played and how many friends I have made. These are memories for life.

Lets our passion and spirit rule over aggression and anger on the field.

Everyone makes mistake, I too must have triggered opponents in past with exchange of words or sledging. Lets everyone take a pledge that we will be " I will be Good Boy and Play in right spirit of the game". I do.

"The family that plays together stays together"

I know people still have their view to be expressed and are unhappy with present rules and punishments, but tell me one thing, when we define rules we expect those rules will be broken, then why to think negative and let respect each other presence and let committee do their job which they have been doing well from so many years, let them take care of rules and what is right and wrong. Just by complaining and analyzing we are not solving the problem, we are adding the problem.

Anything can happen anytime, but if we have control on ourselves nothing can happen at anytime.

Chalo yar it time to sleep … Rath gay bath gayi… We are not small kids :) anymore. Lets some bat and ball do the talking in right spirit on coming weekend. … Move on and Lets move the world.

Keep Smiling Always


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